Cartagena de Indias and the venue



  Introduction to Cartagena de Indias

One of the most beautiful cities in Colombia, with over a million inhabitants living right on the Caribbean Sea, Cartagena de Indias, or simply Cartagena, was named after the famous Spanish City of Cartagena which, in turn, takes its name from Carthage, the great merchant city that once rivaled Rome itself.

Cartagena’s bayside location has also seen huge tourist development in recent years. Located on Colombia’s northern coast and facing the Caribbean Sea, it is the most visited city in the country by local and international tourists. The city has two main sectors: the walled colonial city (“Ciudad Amurallada”), which is truly amazing and has many upscale restaurants, clubs and hotels; and a long strip of hotel towers and condos fronting onto the beach, known as Bocagrande. Read more...


  Venue - Las Américas International Convention and Exhibition Center

The meeting venue, Las Américas International Convention and Exhibition Center, is the only hotel in the city that combines 251 Caribbean style rooms and 279 rooms in a modern, 10-story tower, with a convention center that offers 6,356 square meters of flexible space. The Centro de Convenciones Las Américas has a variety of rooms with different settings and capacities ranging from 900 to 5,000 guests: Salón Nueva Granada, Pabellón La Santa María, Plaza Mayor and Plaza de la Independencia, besides portals and gardens.

Las Américas International Convention and Exhibition Center
Anillo Vial
Sector Cielo Mar
Cartagena de Indias