Version 2 dated

Version 1

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Additional CIML meeting documents to download:
Latest updates:
2017-08-08: 52-CIML-AMD-01
2017-09-06: 52-CIML-AMD-02
2017-09-20: 52-CIML-AMD-03
2017-09-22: 52-CIML-AMD-04
2017-09-26: 52-CIML-AMD-05
2017-10-02: 52-CIML-AMD-06
2017-10-03: 52-CIML-AMD-07
2017-10-04: 52-CIML-AMD-08
2017-10-04: 52-CIML-AMD-09
2017-10-09: 52-CIML-AMD-10
Opening speeches
Roll call
Approval of the agenda
1 |
Approval by the CIML of the minutes of the 51st CIML Meeting
2 |
General report by the CIML President
3 |
Presentation by the candidate for CIML President
4 |
Recruitment of the new BIML Assistant Director
4.1 Report by the Selection Committee Chairperson
4.2 Presentation by the selected candidate
4.3 Discussion by the CIML
5 |
Establishment of the Selection Committee for the recruitment of the next BIML Director
6 |
Discussion on the renewal of the contract of Mr. Ian Dunmill, BIML Assistant Director |
7 |
Report by the BIML Director on BIML activities |
8 |
Report by the BIML Director on Member States and Corresponding Members |
9 |
Financial matters
9.1 Approval by the CIML of the 2016 accounts
9.2 Examination of the budget surplus for the 2013–2016 budget period
9.3 Overview of the arrears of Member States and Corresponding Members
9.4 Report by the BIML Director on the 2017 budget forecast
10 |
10.1 Report by the BIML on activities with organizations in liaison
10.2 Report by the RLMO Round Table Chairperson
10.3 Updates by organizations in liaison
11 |
Countries and Economies with Emerging Metrology Systems (CEEMS)
11.1 Report by the Advisory Group Chairperson
11.2 Report by the BIML on activities in connection with CEEMS matters
11.3 Report by the BIML Director on the special fund for CEEMS-related activities
11.4 Approval of a new Basic Publication B xx Terms of Reference for the Advisory Group on matters concerning
Countries and Economies with Emerging Metrology Systems (CEEMS)
12 |
Revision of OIML B 6 Directives for OIML technical work
12.1 Report by the Chairperson of the Project Group on the revision of OIML B 6:2013
12.2 Approval by the CIML of the revision of OIML B 6 Directives for OIML technical work
13 |
Development, revision and amendment of OIML Basic Publications
14 |
OIML Certification System (OIML-CS)
14.1 Report by the OIML-CS provisional Management Committee (prMC) Chairperson
14.2 Approval of the revision of OIML B 18 Framework for the OIML Certification System (OIML-CS)
14.3 Appointment of the Management Committee Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson
14.4 Appointment of the Board of Appeal Chairperson and Members
14.5 Proposal for a new project to develop a new Basic Publication on the use of the OIML and OIML-CS logos
14.6 Report by the BIML on the OIML Basic and MAA Systems
15 |
Technical activities
15.1 Technical items for approval by the CIML
15.2 Technical items for information
15.3 Report by the BIML on TC/SC secretariat and PG convener training
15.4 Update on the revision of the Système international d'Unités (SI)
16 |
Election by the CIML of the CIML President
17 |
Decision by the CIML on the appointment of the new BIML Assistant Director
18 |
Decision by the CIML on the renewal of the contract of Mr. Ian Dunmill
19 |
Presentation of OIML Awards
20 |
Future meetings
53rd CIML Meeting (2018 – Hamburg, Germany)
20.2 54th CIML Meeting (2019 – To be identified)
21 |
Other matters
22 |
Review of meeting resolutions